The importance of basic obedience

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Stay

  • Place

These dog training basics are absolutely fundamental for building further skills and behaviours.

Most people will say their dog knows these commands. But when we meet, dogs typically only perform them 70-80% of the time, reducing to 30-40% once distractions are added. If those distractions are too enticing then all structure quickly falls apart.

If your dog does not know these commands, or fails to respond to them close to 100% of the time, then your training foundation is missing. When you then try and teach your dog more challenging skills and behaviours, you are setting your dog up to fail, which will more than likely result in both you and your dog becoming frustrated and training being abandoned.

The number one question I get asked is how much time this training takes. The answer of course is very dependent on the individual dog and the skill of the trainer. The good news is that I can show you how to include all of this training within the time you would normally spend with your dog. I’ll teach you simple games that are easy for you both to understand and enjoy, allowing you to develop your relationship with your dog without having to find more hours in your day.

If you want a dog that stays calm when guests arrive at the house, doesn’t pull on the lead, has a reliable recall or even that needs issues with reactivity addressed, then you need to get the foundations right first. From there, you’ll be able to build up to a larger repertoire of skills, as well as a stronger relationship with your dog, better engagement and more confidence in each other’s decision making.

Trust me, long term this will save you time, stress and your hard-earned money, and is more importantly the key to a happy dog with healthy boundaries!

If you would like some help and support with your dog or puppy’s training then please get in touch via my Contact Me page.


An introduction to engagement